
Using the Configuration Manager can be simple, the minimum that you need to do is:

  • Import ConfigManager and instantiate it.
  • Define the options that you want to use
  • Reference the options

Setup the Manager

from AdvConfigMgr import ConfigManager
config = ConfigManager()

Defining Options

# define the section for the options

# define the options within the section
config['my_section'].add(my_option1='default_value', my_option2=1234, my_option3=['item1', 'item2'])
# there are more ways of setting options as well

# if no advanced features are needed, often this will be handled more like this
section_config = config['my_section']


section_config['option1'] = value
section_config['option2'] = another_value
section_config['option3'] = still_another_value

Using Options

# to save typing, we can assign the section to a variable:
sec = config['my_section']

# reading the option
temp_var = sec['my_option1']

# setting the option value
sec['my_option'] = 'new value'

# clearing the option and using the default value
del ['my_option']

# you can also do something like this
tmp_var = config['my_section']['my_option1']

# or even this if it works better for you
tmp_var = config['my_section.my_option']

Saving Options to a file

# saving to a storage location such as a file can be as easy as

# and readign it again later'myfile.ini')

# the filename can also be set during the initial setup, in which case you can simply do:

Advanced Features and configuration

There are many advanced features and configuration options that are available if needed, as well as several ways of extending the system.